Broken Stones. Ruins and the Picturesque in Vintage Photography

Eugene Atget, Edouard Baldus, Roger Fenton, Gustave Le Gray and Henri- Victor Regnault.

'Broken Stones' explores the theme of the ruin in vintage photography.

The exhibition juxtaposes vintage works by some of the most important early French and British photographers with images of destruction in the Second World War.

The exhibition begins with photographs taken by Gustave Le Gray in the Middle East and Roger Fenton of the Crimean War that address the status of the ruin both as the result of the passage of time and of the ravages of war. The exhibition explores these two aspects - the effects of the elements and of man - through a selection of works by, among others, Eugene Atget, Edouard Baldus, Roger Fenton, Gustave Le Gray and Henri- Victor Regnault.

The exhibition also addresses the development of a picturesque of ruins in photography that drew from conventions in painting, and that found expression in early photographs of Roman ruins in France and Italy and Egyptian ruins in the Middle East.

Redeye, Chittenden Horley, Hyde Park House Business Centre, Cartwright Street, Hyde, SK14 4EH, UK
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