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‘Untitled (2:10am)’ is a photo-series by Bankley member Andy Broadey that draws together cinematic, architectural and musical references to examine the relationship between time and change within the post-communist condition.
The work is part of an ongoing examination of the relationship between imagery, time and political agency. The work’s title refers to Sergei Eisenstein’s 1927 film ‘October’, the closing scenes of which mark the moment of the Bolshevik victory (2:10am) with a montage of clocks from across the globe. Time is foregrounded here as the medium of revolutionary action. In thesis seventeen of his 'Thesis on the Philosophy of History', Walter Benjamin draws also upon the iconography of clocks and links it with revolutionary action, referring to an eye-witness report of insurgents shooting clock towers during the French revolution of 1830; Benjamin claims that revolutionary emancipation invokes the closure of a mode of temporality. To this end, ‘Untitled (2:10am)’ utilises universally recognisable imagery of alarm clocks to disrupt the seemingly ossified relations between chronometric time, labour-time and money, the conjunction of which Sami Khatib has recently described as ‘capital-time’ (Khatib, 2009-11).
Exhibition Opening: Friday 25th November 2016, 6-9pm
Exhibition continues: 26th/27th November, 3rd/4th and 10th December. 12-4pm
More information can be found here.
Photo Credit: © Andy Broadey