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Photographer and Painter Christopher Bucklow will be talking about his photographic series Guest as well as his varied career in the art world over the last four decades. His work can be found exhibited in museums around the world. His landmark photographic series ‘Guest’, created using a fascinating technique involving sunlight, photo-sensitive paper and thousands of pinholes, originates from life-sized silhouettes drawn on aluminium foil. Bucklow is also a widely exhibited painter. A retrospective of his paintings will be held at Southampton City Art Gallery in September 2017.

In addition to his own artistic practice, Christopher has worked as a curator at the V&A, London, as well as writing extensively on contemporary photography and painting.  Most notably he has written on the iconography of Adam Fuss and Susan Derges. His monograph on the late iconography of the abstract expressionist painter Philip Guston is also highly acclaimed.

More information can be found here.

Photo: © Chris Bucklow


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