Mark Hobbs is starting an informal monthly photography meet-up in Manchester for anyone currently working on or wanting to start personal photography projects.

Mark says, "The idea is to bring along some photography from a project or idea you're working on currently, whatever stage you're at, even if it's only an idea at the moment. During the evening, people can show each other their work, get feedback, ask questions, come up with solutions or ideas for stuff you're stuck with, etc. It is a very informal session, with no presentations or talks. Hopefully by the end of each social, everyone will have a next step to push forward for the next month. The main aim is to give impetus to personal projects that tend to get back-burnered when working solo. Hopefully, we can support and encourage each other to progress our work. The ethos of the group will be helping others and 'solutions, not problems'. Everyone is welcome and encouraged, from all photography experience levels, ages, genders, backgrounds and cultures. Feel free to just come along for initial inspiration if photography projects are a direction you'd like to explore, too."

The first meet-up is at Font bar in Chorlton on Monday 8 April, from 7.45pm onwards. Please bring along some print-outs of your work (don't bring best prints, bring cheap copy prints you don't mind getting fingers or drinks on!) If you have digital copies, bring your tablet, there won't be a screen to display on.

Follow @markhobbsphoto_ for updates on future plans. Please reply to Mark via Instagram if you're thinking of attending, so he can gauge numbers.

Redeye, Chittenden Horley, Hyde Park House Business Centre, Cartwright Street, Hyde, SK14 4EH, UK
© 2010–2025 Redeye The Photography Network