If you missed our Hothouse event, showing work and new talent from across the UK, don’t worry, we have complied the video highlights here! Feel free to leave some feedback as it is helpful to us, and to the speakers.
This year we presented our first virtual Hothouse event in partnership with Fuse. Fuse is a platform used to elevate the voices of creatives of colour. Initially established in greater Manchester but now has chapters across five countries sharing support, advice and resources.
The day was filled with fresh, photographic content presented through a series of quick fire presentations from a variety of artists. Spanning fine-art, documentary, conceptual projects and snapshots, our upcoming creatives shared their work, whether finalised or in the process of development.
The webinar was drop-in styled, meaning audience members could come and go as they pleased via the zoom link. Some came for specific speakers, and others stayed online with us the entire day. The virtual event aimed to achieve the same relaxed ‘come and go’ atmosphere, whilst understanding it wouldn’t emulate the real world event. However, there is a lot to be said for a virtual event in terms of accessibility, and that was evident in higher numbers of attendance with over 100 people dropping in.
The opportunity to experience the current artistic activity of the photographic community, and get a sense of the breadth of talent working now was well received with comments including:
Just seen some great art projects by @fieldsarahjane, Maya Sharp, Scott Hunter and Nikki Culley at @RedeyeNetwork hothouse event. Amazing work! Feeling inspired! - @annasellen_
It was a real privilege to speak alongside so many talented photographers and gain insight into their compelling projects. Always great to make new contacts and I look forward to seeing the works develop and meeting everyone again in the near future! - @scott_hunter_artist
Inspired to set my enlarger up and print images I shot in the summer.... need a bit of work yet though. Thanks @redeyetpn for hosting Hothouse and the inspiration yesterday. I needed it…. - @mdpenn27
Really enjoying the talk! So cool hearing about so many different kinds of photography!! - @Kohenoorkamal
Watch the full event here and let us know what you thought of the event via the Youtube comments section, direct message on our social medias or by contact form.
The speakers can and links to their work can be found below:
Anthony Wilde, Vanessa Liebler, Joe Kelland, Rosie Dale
Scott Hunter, Maya Sharp, Nikki Culley, Sarah-Jane Field