Our COVID-19 Case Studies explore the different ways the photographic community is working and staying connected through the pandemic. If you would like to submit a Case Study get in touch via chat@redeye.org.uk for more information.
My name is Bradley Lowe, I’m a Photographer and Film maker based in Manchester, UK. Photography has become an extension of my being from an early age. I’m self-taught from the age of 9 and have utilised the medium to work alongside bands, brands, and individuals of varied creative backgrounds.
I graduated from UCA in Kent 3 years ago specialising in Editorial, Portraiture, and Fine-art practises, incorporating each into a mass portfolio spanning 200+ Projects over 15 years.
How are you adapting your work during the pandemic?
At the start of the year I faced one of my toughest challenges. Aside from a looming global pandemic, I lost a close family friend whom I’d cared for in his last few weeks. I faced becoming homeless due to losing my job, apartment, and hair to stress induced illness, and felt at an all-time low in my life. I was severely depressed and had no motivation to continue my work in any form.
Out of the blue, on the day I feared I’d end up on the street, I got a message over Instagram from a friend. She’d selflessly offered me a place to stay. I accepted and within days of moving to a new city with a new friend, we were both collaborating on her university work, by me assisting her with photography, and in turn she used her expertise in graphic design to assist in the creation of some outstanding social media work. Working and living alongside another creative with a different specialty than my own has allowed us both to experiment in ways we couldn’t imagine.
How are you coping?
We both accepted rather early into the pandemic that this was going to be a new normal for the foreseeable future. This acceptance in turn with both being a stable support beacon for one another made ‘coping’ an easier task than other challenges we faced. In perspective of how the year started for me, I was eternally grateful to be in a safe space and have the opportunity to work each day with the unique, talented outlook my friend offered.
Has the new context inspired you to try anything innovative that you haven't tried before? If so, what?
Yes it has. My work before the pandemic relied heavily on travelling to locations I’d scouted, be that in the Lake District or deep in Manchester City Centre. After being restricted to the confines of the house for months on end, I experimented with using the space in the house as scenes for my work; films, fashion shoots, or creating a home studio in the living room using many, many lamps…
Are there any working methods that you envisage keeping once the lockdown is over?
I am striving to continue working alongside my friend for many years to come. We’re looking at establishing a collaborative partnership, in which to work on client-based work and commissions that will utilise both of our unique talents to create work unlike any other.
Keep up to date with Bradley's work on his website https://photobrad.myportfolio.com/ or follow his social media: Instagram @thephotobrad and twitter @thephotobrad