Songs of the Sky/Collecting Nature is a culmination of works by Lakes based photographer George Collins.


About the exhibition:

Songs of the Sky

Songs of the Sky is an ongoing project of large-scale photographs of the sky. The series is inspired by Alfred Stieglitz’s series of the same name which went on to become his Equivalents series. While Stieglitz was concerned with what the images could mean to each individual. I am concerned about the sky itself. The atmosphere and clouds, the natural and manmade things that fly through the air. The cycle of day and night, the ever-changing scene above our heads.


Collecting Nature

The inspiration for this project came from the artist Jana Sojka. At an exhibition of hers a few years ago she handed out handmade envelopes. The envelop I received had a piece of paper on which was written “What do you collect? Nature”.

The final project is a disorganised collection of natural objects, photograms, and photograph/photogram combination prints. All the photographs and objects were taken in Cumbria. The inclusion of objects on top of the prints gives a strange sense of scale.


About the artist:

George Collins experiments with photography to create his artwork. Working with broken digital cameras, using alternative methods, darkroom, digital post processing in order to better depict the subject matter.

Nature is a frequent feature in his work, its depiction and humankinds’ interactions with nature are common themes in his work. As is a continuing exploration of the medium of photography itself.

Inspired by the technical abilities of Modernist photographers and the creative imagination of the pictorialists, George is drawn to the descriptive strengths of photography but also to what happens when those strengths fail to convey spirit and meaning.

In an era of increasing AI created artwork, George has found solace in methods and approaches from the near past. In Songs of the Sky, Alfred Stieglitz is the source of inspiration. For Collecting Nature, the use of and experimentation with traditional darkroom techniques.





The Gallery is open daily - Find out more info here! 

Free Entry

Redeye, Chittenden Horley, Hyde Park House Business Centre, Cartwright Street, Hyde, SK14 4EH, UK
© 2010–2025 Redeye The Photography Network