Saturday 10th June 2023
9.45 AM – 5.00 PM                   
Staffordshire University, College Road, Stoke-on-Trent, ST4 2DE             
£25 / £30   
Book your place here

GRAIN Projects is excited to be delivering a day designed to advise and support the development of photographer’s portfolios.  Reviews and presentations will be led by expert and experienced professionals from the photography sector.   

The event will be ticketed and must be booked in advance.

The day will focus on advice and developing skills needed to build and present your portfolio to assist you in making submissions, securing commissions and preparing for appointments and interviews.   As part of the day there will be presentations by experienced people from the photography world and group and individual one to one advice and reviews. The day is ideal for emerging photographers, artists and students, to help them develop a professional portfolio. 

For many photographers and artists a portfolio is the key way to secure work, commissions and exhibitions and to showcase your project.   A portfolio allows you to demonstrate your talent, your career and your ambition. This day aims to capture the importance of the portfolio, and offer advice and support about presentation and image selection.


The Reviwers: 

David Severn, Photographer

Lucy Mounfield, Assistant Curator IKON Gallery

Mario Popham, Photographer, Curator and Educator

Nilupa Yasmin, Artist and Educator


Find out more and book your place here!

Redeye, Chittenden Horley, Hyde Park House Business Centre, Cartwright Street, Hyde, SK14 4EH, UK
© 2010–2025 Redeye The Photography Network