1 February / 1 pm – 3.30 pm / Open Eye Gallery

Register at Eventbrite (free tickets)

Open Eye Gallery are delighted to be hosting a special hybrid event, where anyone interested in finding out more about their joint MA in socially engaged photography course with the University of Salford, can come along to hear more.

You can meet them in person, in the gallery, choosing from 30-minute slots OR you can meet a member of the team online if this is more accessible for you.

You will get to speak to either their Director Sarah Fisher, their Head of social practice and programme Leader of the course, Liz Wewiora or their current student and OEG Creative Producer, Anna Wijnhoven.


More about the course:

You will work with active practitioners, community groups and academics to rethink the role of photography in society today, to develop your creative practice and your professional profile.

The course will give students support in producing creative projects with both arts and non-arts commissioners in mind, exploring how to create socially engaged art that is meaningful to both audiences and participants. Students will develop and deliver live projects with partners working in health, youth, community and justice, all embedded within a critically engaged and ethical framework.

They will provide professional practice surgeries, from understanding legal, ethical and safeguarding frameworks, to developing your professional profile and will have some joint teaching sessions with the Socially Engaged Practice students.

You will have opportunities to engage directly with national debates and Open Eye Gallery’s national network for socially engaged photographic practice.

Once you have booked onto the event they will be in touch to confirm your 30-minute slot. You can book either an online or in person ticket.


For more information visit here:




Photo credit: University of Salford, MA Art and Design students visiting 'A place of our own' exhibition at Open Eye Gallery, 2023

Redeye, Chittenden Horley, Hyde Park House Business Centre, Cartwright Street, Hyde, SK14 4EH, UK
© 2010–2025 Redeye The Photography Network