We regret to announce that after 26 years of supporting photographers and championing photography throughout the UK, Redeye, the Photography Network will wind down on 31 July 2024 due to a number of factors, including lack of funding.
Redeye was set up to advocate for photographers at every level and build networks across photography, delivering an innovative and vital programme. We are actively continuing to explore potential options for new provision of this service and hope to make a further announcement in the near future.
Over the next few weeks, we will celebrate our proud history of giving a voice to photographers, helping with professional development, and providing a platform to share photography events, photographers’ work and relevant opportunities. We will mark the many achievements the network has made through the hard work and dedication of Redeye staff and its board of directors. We would like to thank all our members, supporters and the photographers who have helped shape us, particularly in the North of England.
Please continue to check our social channels and this website for further announcements in the coming weeks.
Lindsay Taylor, on behalf of the Board of Directors:
Geoff Crossley
Asif Salam
Liz Wewiora
Suzanne St Clare
Verity Adriana
Simon Hyde
Photo credit: Redeye, The Photography Network’s logo