Redeye Portfolio Day

4 November 2008, 00:00

Show and discuss your work with curators, picture editors and publishers.

Do you want to take your photography a stage further? Looking for advice from seasoned professionals with bags of experience? If so, this portfolio day is for you. Redeye is providing an opportunity for photographers at all stages in their careers to move ahead.

Viewing the portfolios is a line-up of specialists working across the photography sector. They will offer expert views, constructive criticism and advice on your portfolio from the perspective of their own specialism. You can book up to two sessions with different viewers (one ticket per session).

Viewers include:

Lee Taylor, editor of Flux Magazine

Patrick Henry, director of Open Eye Gallery, Liverpool

Paul Herrmann, director of Redeye

Jo Booth, education officer at the National Media Museum, Bradford

Nick Booth, art director with Timeout London

Dewi Lewis, of Dewi Lewis Publishing

Each ticket entitles you to one 30 minute session. If you want to book two sessions, please book two tickets. Once you have paid, please email us at with details of three preferred viewers - for example: a) Lee Taylor, b) Jo Booth and c) Dewi Lewis. While we can't guarantee you will get your first choices, we will make every effort to place you with your preferred viewer(s).

Places will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

Please note: There are still tickets available for this event. Click on the Join Waiting List button and you'll go through to the ticket booking page.

Redeye, Chittenden Horley, Hyde Park House Business Centre, Cartwright Street, Hyde, SK14 4EH, UK
© 2010–2025 Redeye The Photography Network