Who gets visibility in the public realm? What gets forgotten or rendered (in)visible? How can photographs refuse erasure and act as documents which anchor a subject in a time and place? Share your photos and join the conversation.
About the Call for Photographs:
Submit your photographs and our panel of judges will select their favourites for an online gallery on Autograph's website, and one outstanding contribution will win a bundle of Autograph publications. A selection of images will also be displayed on a digital billboard at Old Street Roundabout, one of London's busiest areas. The call for photographs is free to enter, and the deadline for submissions is 10am on Monday 8 January 2024.
This year is Autograph's 35th anniversary and as part of our celebrations, we want to see YOUR photographs responding to the theme 'Becoming Visible'. The theme of this call for photographs takes inspiration from Autograph’s long-standing history of supporting artists who use photography to explore issues of identity and representation, considering questions such as: who gets visibility in the public realm, what gets forgotten or rendered (in)visible, how can photographs refuse erasure and act as documents which anchor a subject in a time and place?
Submissions could include photographs, short videos or other art forms like photocollage. It could be an image of something you have already created, a new work or photos from your family album. You don’t need to own a fancy camera or be a professional artist to take part, everyone is welcome to join in.
For more information and how to submit, visit here.
Photo credit: Joy Gregory, from the series Autoportrait, 1989-90. Commissioned by Autograph