Image shows two young women stood inside their house laughing together. They are photographed from outside through their window and are surrounded by plants.
Image: Sharon and Yash by Ciara Leeming

Page updated: 07/04/21

We are now very used to life in lockdown but that doesn’t make it any easier, so we have gathered a range of information and resources (updated for 2021) that we hope you will find useful.

If there are any errors with this page or anything you think we have missed off then please let us know through the contact form, or direct message to @RedeyeNetwork on twitter.

Up-to-date lockdown guidelines for England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland


Government Financial Support:

Arts and Cultural Sector Financial Support:

  • Arts Council England are running National Lottery project grants – open until August 2021.
  • The Eaton Fund helps artists and students working in the visual arts fields with grants to fund art materials, items of equipment, and exhibition costs, such as framing.
  • Creative Debuts run a Black Artists Grant, providing financial support to artists for whatever they need- costs for equipment, travel, research etc. These grants are given out monthly.
  • Funding For All runs grants, support, and training throughout the year.
  • Women photograph are running project grants and a scholarship for women and non-binary photographers. Deadline May 15th.

More funding information for those based in Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland 


Continuing with photography during lockdown

AOP Coronavirus Guidance

Royal Photographic Society lockdown guidance

  • Photojournalists are considered key workers so can continue to work during lockdown, but they must carry a UK press card with them at all times in case they get questioned. Here is some information from the NUJ. However as of the 18th of January, Journalists are no longer exempt from overseas travel restrictions. More info here.
  • Photographers that work for a key service employer (e.g. police or armed forces) are also key workers and will be given guidance on how to continue working in a safe way by their employer.
  • Photography students will be advised by their University on changes to the course to accommodate lockdown restrictions, but are expected to stay at home and avoid travel. If there is an essential part of the course that involves travel, and there is no alternative possible, then risk assessments should take place to ensure the work can be done in a COVID-safe way, while adhering to social distancing. More info here.
  • Everyone else that is not a key worker is expected to adhere to lockdown and stay at home and avoid travel unless essential.

But you can still be creative with photography at home!

  • You can take your camera with you and take photographs while out on your daily exercise. However, you are not allowed to go out for recreational/leisure activities so setting up equipment (tripod, lighting etc.) wouldn’t likely be allowed.
  • You could organise a photoshoot with a friend over a video call - just take screenshots of the call instead of using your camera.
  • Try and be creative with the things you have around you at home - a simple home studio can be made by hanging a white sheet as a backdrop and playing around with natural light, or by moving around different lamps you may have at home.
  • Now might be a good time to practise areas of photography that you don’t often do. For example, you could try taking self-portraits or images of the people you live with, or perhaps try out still life photography using items found around the house.
  • If you don’t feel inspired to take photographs you could take this time to organise you archive, or create/update a website for your photography. Format and Squarespace are easy to use website builders. Our colleagues at The Photographic Collections Network have a lot of advice and info, and also offer free 1:1 digitisation advice for members (their membersip starts at £25).
  • There are also countless online classes and workshops you could take to develop your skills. Skill Share run a variety of different online classes, many of which are free to access, and Affinity are offering 50% off their photo editing software.


Upcoming Events and Opportunities


Some photographic inspiration


Other resources on support and wellbeing


Redeye, Chittenden Horley, Hyde Park House Business Centre, Cartwright Street, Hyde, SK14 4EH, UK
© 2010–2025 Redeye The Photography Network