Our COVID-19 Case Studies explore the different ways the photographic community is working and staying connected through the pandemic. If you would like to submit a Case Study get in touch via chat@redeye.org.uk for more information.
June Cadogan holds a degree in Photography from University of Westminster and a Masters in Photography and Urban Cultures from Goldsmiths university. Her photographic work is socially driven and has been influenced by an interest in community especially in her local area – Harrow. She is particularly interested in buildings and the part they play in the community. June is a member of the Urban Photographers Association, FORM Collective, Chair of the RPS Women in Photography group and has just launched an online Instagram platform for female photographers living in cities called Urban Form.
How are you adapting your work to the pandemic?
I have wanted to focus on online activities so that I have a lifeline to other photographers and artists. I wanted somewhere to post my images of the city I live in so I have created a platform called Urban Form to give women photographers based in cities somewhere dedicated to post their images.
How are you coping?
Actually coping pretty well, I decided early on that I wanted to learn as much as possible so I have attended as many webinars and free workshops online as I could fit in a day. I also increased the amount of time I was exercising and I have been getting up and starting my day by 8am and finishing by 6pm has helped to give the day some structure. Each day I write a list of things I want to achieve that day, but don’t beat myself up if I don’t get through all of it, I just roll it onto the next day.
Has the new context inspirited you to try anything innovative that you haven’t tried before if so what?
I had wanted to spend time writing so I’ve taken the chance during the pandemic to write some blogs for my new commercial website www.junecadoganphotography.com. The blog has focussed on travel as we haven’t been able to do any! It has meant me going back through my image library, but it has been fun rediscovering and reframing them.
Are there any working methods you envisage keeping once the lockdown is over?
Yes, I’m keeping the exercise, daily list making and also the stricter working hours of 9am-6pm as this give me the evenings to read or relax rather than working way into the night!
What advice, resources, links or projects would you like to share with other photographers?
The resource which helped me a lot during the pandemic has been @WorkShowGrow on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/workshowgrow/ run by Natasha Caruana, she has worked really hard to put on lots of fantastic talks and creative workshops.
I have also loved the talks by Metro https://www.instagram.com/metroimaging/ on Instagram, I’m a big fan of printing digitally and also in the darkroom so it has been great to hear from them. They have also included professional and personal development subjects so it’s been a great all round listen.
I use the time on my daily walks to listen to podcasts, one really good personal development podcast is by the Ideas Coach Jess Ratcliffe https://www.theideascoach.com/podcast.
How are you procrastinating or distracting yourself from any stress?
Procrastinating is working out quite well during lockdown as I’m planting veggies and flowers in the garden. It’s been great watching things grow.