Lorraine Shaw

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We at Redeye were very saddened to hear of the sudden death of the photographer Lorraine Shaw, on 15 December 2011.

As well as a member of Redeye’s Advisory Group and an accomplished photographer, Lorraine was active in her community and was passionate in everything that she did. She was a regular at Redeye’s events, and her natural warmth, positivity and intelligence made her many friends.

Lorraine was born in Atherton in 1957, studied politics at Newcastle-upon-Tyne University, then moved to Los Angeles to work in the television industry. While in the US she discovered the Science of Mind, a movement combining science, philosophy and religion, and became a Practitioner.

After nearly two decades in TV she moved into photography, took a degree in Photography and Imaging at the prestigious Art Centre College of Design in Pasadena, and began to be exhibited and published almost immediately - her work is exhibited and available at the Getty Museum.

She returned to the UK in 2006 and set up in business as a photographer, specialising in food, portraiture and documentary. She exhibited regularly at Urbis, the Museum of the City, in Manchester, where her exhibitions included Haunted Manchester, Rusholme - Curry Mile, Manchester Caffs, and Family Feasts, where she photographed people from a range of cultures cooking and sharing meals. She contributed a series of portraits to the group show How Manga Took Over the World, and produced a guidebook to Manchester. She set up the project Angels in the Bedroom, where she photographed women on their own terms for themselves and for their partners and loved ones.

Alongside this work she was a strong supporter of charities and local communities. She worked part-time for Church Action on Poverty and then The Vegetarian Society, and was active in her local community association in Monton, Salford. She was in the process of starting the Greater Manchester study group for the Science of Mind.

Her close friend Barbara Louvrou said: “Lorraine was full of life, and a free and independent spirit. She was a very caring person and always had time for people; she had a way of talking to people that made them feel important. She was constantly out doing things in her community, sorting out problems and getting things improved. She she lived her life to the full and was and a constant friend to many.”

Maxine Coyle of the Monton Village Community Association wrote: "Lorraine was an active and vocal member of MVCA, attending meetings and getting involved in events. She worked with us on several activities, and was a valued member, being prepared to DO as well as talk. She was always helpful and concerned to get things right. Her death was a great shock and she will be missed by all her fellow members in the Association."

Photo of Lorraine Shaw © Christine Widdall, www.steelorchid.co.uk


Two years ago, on a Redeye course at the Imperial War Museum (North), I met Lorraine. She was a beautiful person, just so nice, gentle and genuine. Brian Stark and I kept in regular email contact with her.

So sorry, to hear of her passing. I am sure Brian will join me in passing condolences to her family and friends.

I feel it was an honour and a pleasure to have known Lorraine, she was a kind, warm and friendly person and accomplished photographer.

I was very saddened to hear of her passing away. May she rest in peace.
Brian Stark

This is Montana Knightsbridge, I now live in Kauai, but when I lived in Los Angeles, Lorraine lived withmy husband Greg and Iin a beautiful area called Kagel canyon. I remember when she decided to really make a "go " of her photography career. She had been a friend for some 4 or 5 years before she moved in with us. I have been looking for her for some time we lost contact about a year ago and I could not find her parents address. I do have a book she made of her travels in India and some hysterically funny cook book photos as well as one of a flying turkey. Though beset by worries and money issues Lorraine pushed through and I was privaleged to see her graduate fro Art Center In Pasadena. I think Lorraine and I were free spirits and very concerned with the general lack of acknowledgement if the often neglected members of society. When she last left L.A. for the U.K we had hoped we could see each other again in the near future. Sadly due to my lack of computer savvy it has been a while before a friend helped me find her on the Redeye site. No one can imagine the depth of sadness I feel at the loss of such a kindred spirit. Really she and I were bonded at the cappacino machine for years and I spent many an hour in her small L.A apt trying to sort out how to stay focused on her career path. She had a deep faithh in the goodness of the universedespite evidence to the contrary. I am so sad she will never make it to the beautiful Garden Isle of Kauai. I know she woiuld have made fabulous photos of the beauty and ugliness found in Paradise. Such symbiosis. I most earnestly request that anyone who has info on her parents phone or address pleae please contact me. My phone is USA 818-426 -4304 or email me : mogre@hotmail.com anyone on redeye website reading this, please forward my info to the main web site maybe they can help me with the parents info. So tonite we have a full moon and I will go out on the patio, look across Kealea bay and burn some white sage and say my Aloha and maholo to the spirits for having had such a friend.

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