News and Opportunities


FORMAT13 Open Call for Submissions

An Open Call has been announced for the next edition of FORMAT International Photography Festival with the theme ‘FACTORY’. The Open Call for Submissions to the Exposure stand of FORMAT is open to all photographers, artists, curators and collectives from anywhere in the world.

‘Factory’ will be the main theme of FORMAT13 and can be understood literally and creatively in terms of process and the transformation of material, live site of production, the products, workers, analogue process, documentary and so on.

Friends of the Earth Competition

Friends of the Earth have launched a photography competition, for images that show an inspiring example of clean British energy.

The prize is free electricity for a year from Good Energy or Ecotricity. Your photo could also appear in their exhibition to show politicians that renewable energy is popular.

Further details, terms and conditions are on their website:

Photography at Stockport College

The School of Arts, Design & Media at Stockport College wants to share some good news. Their BA (Honours) Contemporary Photography and Foundation Degree Commercial Photography courses are now awarded by Manchester Metropolitan University.

If you live in the region, you will know that Stockport has been offering degrees in photography for 14 years. There are still places available this year for people who are passionate about photography and want to make it their career.

Ffotogallery Office Manager

Ffotogallery is seeking a full-time Office Manager.

All details are available on the Ffotogallery jobs and opportunities page.

Teaching post in Huddersfield

The University of Huddersfield is looking for someone with teaching and professional/fine art experience to join the photography team led by Gil Pasternak.

There are two potential opportunities in place:

1. Full-time permanent post (18 contact hours, four days a week plus a research day)

Redeye, Chittenden Horley, Hyde Park House Business Centre, Cartwright Street, Hyde, SK14 4EH, UK
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