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This Summer, in partnership with Mersey Travel & National Museums Liverpool, Artist, Liz Wewiora will be the Mersey Ferries Artist in Residence. Working with local residents, regular commuters, tourists and Mersey Travel staff she will be co-creating a new body of photographic, video and oral history work capturing a contemporary view of the Mersey Ferry view whilst still reflecting its rich past. 

The project includes days on the ferry, surrounding Pier Head, Seacombe & Birkenhead terminals as well as Photostories training with Mersey Travel staff and a collaboration with FACT's (Foundation for Art and Creative Technology) Digital Ambassadors Over 60s group. 

The project will result in an exhibition at the Museum of Liverpool in January 2018 and has been supported by Grants for the Arts, Arts Council England. If you have a story about the Mersey Ferry then get in touch here 


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