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Tuesday, February 14, 2017 - 13:30

How can we depict the intimacy of homes as personal and private spaces as well as expressing the public and political dimensions of home?  How does photography shape our visual understanding of our home? Paper proposals are invited for 20 minute presentations for the Visualising the Home Conference at the University of Cumbria Institute of the Arts. They ask you to submit a 300 word abstract as a word document, up to 3 low-resolution images and a 150 word biographical note to and/or by 14th February 2017.

The peer-reviewed selection will be concluded and authors notified by the 14th March 2017. A full draft (up to 3000 words) of the presentation paper will be required in advance of the conference by 12thJune 2017 to ensure participation and any publication opportunities after the event. They expect full participation in the event by delegates and encourage speakers to have confidence to present their papers without relying on reading their presentation. They also encourage digital presentations of images only (captions excepted). In this manner they hope to encourage a collegiate sharing of ideas and welcome discussion in all areas of the conference theme.

For further information please contact Katrin Joost ( or Sarah Bonner (   

Image: Clare Gallager

More information about the conference can be found here.


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