CUPH: Call out

Friday, March 1, 2019 - 09:00

The position of the photographer as insider or outsider runs throughout discussion on representation and influences much photographic practice. CUPH is looking for submissions of photography taken on B&W negative that respond to the theme of the outsider to be exhibited in Brooklyn.

They are concurrently running an event/exhibition on the same theme in Coventry that we will be accepting digital and colour submissions for. See @lahadevents on Facebook for more.

What you need to do:
• Respond to the theme of The Outsider on black and white film.
• Select up to three low-resolution jpegs (longest length should be no more than 1000px) of your work with 100 words as to why the work meets the themes.
• Please save your jpeg file as SURNAME_FIRST NAME.jpg eg: SINGH_RAHUL.jpg and then email to by 1 March 2019.
• They will inform you if you have been successfully selected to be part of the show by 3 March and then you will need you to send us your film negatives as well as a stamped addressed envelope (SAE) by 8 March.
• They will print your work and display it in our CUPH exhibition at Bushwick Community.

For more information and to apply, click here.

Redeye, Chittenden Horley, Hyde Park House Business Centre, Cartwright Street, Hyde, SK14 4EH, UK
© 2010–2025 Redeye The Photography Network