Festival Visit Bursaries

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Friday, October 31, 2014 - 00:00


Redeye is pleased to announce we have a small fund that enables us to offer festival bursaries: a financial contribution towards your travel to, and accommodation at, a photo festival or fair of your choice. In return, we require you to write and/or record a piece about the festival or event you attended for Redeye's website. Priority will be given to existing Redeye members. You can apply even if you are not a member, but if chosen, you will be required to join for a minimum of one year at the current rate.

If you are interested in attending a photo festival or fair and would like to apply for a bursary please write to us with the following details:

1. Your name, address, email, mobile number, and short biographical details including career position and any other photo festivals you have attended.
2. Which festival (up to two choices) you would like to go to and the dates you are available.
3. Why you want to go and why you want Redeye to pay towards it - up to 100 words.
4. The amount you are requesting from Redeye and what it will be spent on. We anticipate requests of between £100 to £500.
5. A piece of writing (or link to one), or a web link to video or audio (about photography or any other subject) you have already done.
6. The following sentence: "I confirm that I have read, understand and agree to the terms and conditions of this offer." followed by your email signature. All the above must be in the body of the email. Attachments will not be accepted. Send to festivalbursary@redeye.org.uk with the email subject "Festival bursary application".

Terms and Conditions:
We will select recipients based on the quality and interest of your written, video or audio piece, your reasons for wanting to go, the range of dates you're available, our aim to send people to a spread of different festivals, the amount of your request, and your length of Redeye membership.
If you are selected, we will offer you a payment towards travel, accommodation of 1 to 3 nights and related expenses.
Where possible we will also arrange introductions to festival staff.
We aim to respond within four weeks, though it will often be a lot sooner. If you don't hear back within four weeks, that means you have not been successful.
You need to confirm your acceptance within one week of receipt.
You will need to make all travel and accommodation arrangements yourself and provide your own valid passport and visa if necessary, and travel insurance as appropriate.
Redeye will not be responsible for any loss, cancellation or trouble of any kind during your visit.
You will attend as a representative of Redeye and you agree to be professional and courteous during your visit.
By accepting an offer, you confirm that you will supply us, within one month of your return, with material about the festival, including some written text and as agreed some video, audio, and/or photography.
This should include information about a range of photographers, exhibitors, or other participants at the festival.
You agree that this written work is for exclusive use on Redeye's website, blog, social media or similar outlets. If you fail to provide this material by the deadline, the money we have paid you must be repaid.
Payment will be as follows: 75% of award on acceptance; 25% on receipt of your text or media.
If for any reason you fail to attend the festival, the full amount must be repaid immediately.
Redeye's decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into regarding our selection.
Applications for these bursaries must be submitted any time up until 31 October 2014, and visits undertaken by 31 March 2015. These deadlines may be changed at Redeye's discretion.

Redeye, Chittenden Horley, Hyde Park House Business Centre, Cartwright Street, Hyde, SK14 4EH, UK
© 2010–2025 Redeye The Photography Network