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Wednesday, January 4, 2012 - 00:00

FutureEverything, taking place each May in Manchester, was recently rated by the Guardian as one of the top ten international ideas festivals, alongside TEDx, 99% and South by South West. We've agreed a special discount on ticket prices for Redeye subscribers and members.

In 2012 the conference looks at the next lurch into the unknown brought about by a new participatory culture that is changing our world. It also hosts the launch for the £4m Creative Exchange Knowledge Hub funded by AHRC, and celebrates the 75th anniversary of the Mass Observation Movement and the UN International Year of Co-operatives.

full details:

Redeye subscribers and members can get 20% off the early bird conference ticket prices as follows:

For a limited time only (until 01/04/12) there's a special offer of 20% off the current Advanced Rate 2 Day Conference Ticket. With this exclusive rate, the price is reduced from £180 to £144.

If you'd like to take advantage of this limited offer, quote this promotion code when purchasing your ticket: CSO2012

Tickets can be purchased via this link, please select the Advanced Rate 2 Day Conference Ticket and press the promotion code button for this exclusive special offer:

Day Tickets
Another special offer (until 01/04/12) for conference day tickets gives a reduction of 20% off the standard price. You can now purchase day tickets reduced from £144 to £115.

If you'd like to take advantage of this limited offer, quote this promotion code when purchasing your ticket: DSO2012

Tickets can be purchased via this link, please select the Standard 1 Day Conference Ticket option (either Thu 17 May or Fri 18 May) and press the promotion code button for this exclusive offer:

Conference Bursaries
FutureEverything also has a limited number of Conference Bursaries available for practicing artists, activists and change makers without institutional support to ensure their voices are fully represented at the Conference. Apply here

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