Istanbul Photo Awards 2017

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Tuesday, January 31, 2017 - 09:00

Anadolu Agency invite you to apply for the third Istanbul Photo Awards contest. This year’s competition sees an expanded range of categories, from four to eight. The four new categories include nature-environment single, nature-environment story, portrait-single and portrait-multiple. Photographers can apply to eight categories in total. In the contest, a Young Photographer award will be given for the first time to a winner under the age of 28. A separate award will be given to the winner of the Photo of the Year. The results of the contest will be announced by the end of March next year. Last year, photographers Abd Doumany, whose image of an injured Syrian boy was chosen as Photo of the Year by an international jury and Sergey Ponomarev, who captured images of refugees arriving at a Greek island, won the single news category and later a Pulitzer Prize.

For more information and to apply go here.

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