Brian Harris Talk and Master Class

19 January 2008, 00:00

Brian Harris started out as a photographer in 1969 working for local papers then became a staff photographer on The Times in 1976. In 1986 he was appointed chief photographer of the Independent at its launch, and along with his colleagues played a leading role in the renaissance of inventive, offbeat British newspaper photography. In 1999 he became freelance. During most of 2006 he worked for the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, and the resulting book, Remembered, was published this year to critical acclaim; some of the work can be seen on show at the Imperial War Museum North(IWMN). See also

Redeye is delighted to bring Brian to Greater Manchester for two events organised in partnership with IWMN; an evening lecture, introducing his work, in particular the Remembered project, and a day-long master class. The master class offers a unique opportunity for a small group to spend a day with one of the UK's most respected newspaper photographers. The morning will start with a detailed look at Brian's work, followed by questions and discussion. In the afternoon you have the chance to show your own work to Brian and the group for a constructive critique. You will be limited to a maximum of six images which must be related to each other. You can either bring prints, or send the images before 12th January by email to, or bring a USB flash drive or CD with you to the event. Please contact Redeye once you've booked to confirm which method you will be using.

Meet the Artist - lecture: Friday 18th January 2008; 6pm. Tickets from the museum only are £4 or £3 concession including parking. Call 0161 836 4007 to book.

Master class: Saturday 19th January 2008; 10am - 5pm; Tickets £40 or £30 concession; email us or call 0845 456 0260 for details of how to pay by cheque. Advance booking only; critique participants must book by 11th January.

Both events take place at Imperial War Museum North, Trafford Wharf, Manchester M17 1TZ.

NB Advance bookings for the Master Class have closed but there is likely to be a very small number of places available for those paying on the door. Please email us as soon as possible to check; include a mobile phone number in your email.

Redeye, Chittenden Horley, Hyde Park House Business Centre, Cartwright Street, Hyde, SK14 4EH, UK
© 2010–2025 Redeye The Photography Network