Digital Imaging Workshop

22 June 2005, 00:00

SOLD OUTRedeye is delighted to be re-running one of its most popular workshops, The Good Digital Image. It will take place at Salford University on 22nd June 2005, and is priced at £40 including VAT - no concessions available.

This is a hands on, one-day workshop covering what photographers need to know to ensure the client gets the best quality file – colour management, monitor calibration, tonality, sharpening, noise reduction, file formats, compression and printing – and looking at some typical problems arising between photography and pre-press/printing. This revised workshop will also look at printer profiling.

This workshop is recommended for established photographers who are already using digital cameras (or scanners) but would like to optimise what they are giving to clients. You will need a working knowledge of Photoshop, and an interest in what happens after you press shift -command-K. This workshop is not suitable for beginners in digital imaging.

The workshop leader Boris Oicherman worked in the printing and pre-press industry for seven years, during which time he developed specialist processes, before becoming a freelance digital imaging and colour management consultant with an interest in photography. He lectures around the UK on digital imaging and is midway through a PhD on Colour Science.

A very few places have become available for this workshop - please call or email Redeye in the first instance to confirm your place before sending payment. Email, or call 0845 456 0260 right away.

Redeye, Chittenden Horley, Hyde Park House Business Centre, Cartwright Street, Hyde, SK14 4EH, UK
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