Marketing, Branding and Platforms with Hawwa Alam

Tuesday, 12th April 2022; 6pm - 7:30pm


*Please note the earlier start time of 6pm


Visibility is everything. Creative careers are being made through social media platforms such as Instagram and TikTok, but for some this is a difficult and even confrontational environment. 

We are delighted to welcome back one of our most talked-about speakers of recent times, Hawwa Alam. In this session she will talk about the strategies for marketing yourself and your work, drawing on her expertise of building artist-led platforms.

Hawwa highlights the dos and don’ts of social media, explains how to build an engaged audience whilst increasing your reach online, the best way to get seen by your target audience, building an online brand, tracking your success and finally injecting your personality into these social platforms. 




Hawwa is a 23 year old South Asian / Muslim history graduate from Manchester. Currently, she juggles her time between roles as a cultural learning & participation officer (Manchester Museum / Our Shared Cultural Heritage project) and communications & marketing officer (Doctors Worldwide), taking on freelance illustration & photography work, developing her art shop/online platform 'hawwa, etc', as well as running creative/discussion workshops & creating digital and physical zines/art books as co-founder of 'The Rice Bowl Collective' in her free time. Her work often focuses on issues related to identity, faith & belonging, with clients such as Adobe, Oxfam & the University of Manchester. 


— support my shop 

— visit my instagram 

— connect on linkedin  

— join the rice bowl collective 

— view my fuse directory portfolio




Who is this event for?
This event is open to all. It’s particularly aimed at photographers and photographic artists either interested in setting up their own photographic or creative visual business, or in the early stages (first 3-4 years) of it. It will also be useful for anyone working as a photographer who is planning a change or feels their business could do with some refreshing, as well as recent graduates.

As with all Redeye’s events, the course is informal, friendly, welcoming and a safe space. We encourage attendance from all sections of the community regardless of your age, gender, ethnicity, sexuality, disability or social class. We want everyone to be able to access this course so if you have any particular needs or restrictions, please let us know so we can work with you. 



This event takes place on Tuesday, 12th April 6pm - 7:30pm.
There are 18 sessions in the full It's Your Business course which run across various dates in January to April - see here the breakdown of dates. If you are interested in several sessions it's probably more cost effective for you to buy a full course ticket.


Online! You will need an internet connection and a computer, smartphone or tablet. These events will take place over Zoom.

Tickets for individual sessions are £12.50 for Redeye members and a full price ticket is £16.50. 

Full course tickets are £145 for Redeye members and £190 for non-members. 




Redeye, Chittenden Horley, Hyde Park House Business Centre, Cartwright Street, Hyde, SK14 4EH, UK
© 2010–2025 Redeye The Photography Network