It’s Your Business is the essential course in business for all photographers, completely revised and updated for 2022. It's the leading course of its kind in the UK, for anyone who wants to make money doing what they love, to tighten up their photographic or artistic business, and be able to work more effectively and make more impact.

The Taster Session

Everyone is welcome to attend this free introductory “taster” session, where you can find out more about the course, ask any questions, and see if it's right for you. We will also include our top suggestions for any photography business which will be useful whether or not you decide to come on the full course. The taster is delivered by Redeye staff including Director Paul Herrmann and Programme Co-ordinator Rebecca Burns on Tuesday 11th January at 6pm for one hour.

More about the full course

The full It's Your Business course takes place online, using Zoom, on Monday and Tuesday evenings from 31st January to 5th April 2022. You can also book onto any individual sessions, with those bookings open from 11th Jan 2022. The full price of the course is kept as affordable as possible with individual sessions priced at £13 to £17, and the full course, which also includes some extra sessions and supporting material, priced from £145 to £190. Click here for more info.

This year for the first time we are delighted to have the support of The Photography Show & The Video Show in the form of funding or part-funding a number of course places for those on a low income. These are called “bursary places”. There is a simple process to apply for a bursary place, and you need to apply for a bursary place by 20th January 2022.



Who is this taster session for?
This event is free and open to all. Recommended for anyone who would is interested in setting up their own photographic or creative visual business, or in the early stages (first 3-4 years) of it. It will also be useful for anyone working as a photographer who feels their business could do with some refreshing.

Watch live on Tuesday 11th January 2022, 6pm – 7pm.

Online! Booking will close on Tuesday 11th January at 4pm and we will then be in touch with everyone who has registered with the meeting code and password. You will need an internet connection and a computer, smartphone or tablet. This event will take place over Zoom.
Please register for free by 4pm on Tuesday 11th January to receive your invitation to this taster session.

Redeye, Chittenden Horley, Hyde Park House Business Centre, Cartwright Street, Hyde, SK14 4EH, UK
© 2010–2025 Redeye The Photography Network