Redeye is delighted to have been invited by The Photography Show, Birmingham to present a day of workshops aimed to increase your chances of business success. In addition to this, there will also be quickfire presentations of new work by some of the most promising developing photographers in the UK. You’re welcome to come to all the sessions – or any. Each of the sessions is stand alone but there will also be some threads running through the day. It's all free of charge to show ticket-holders.

Outline of events:

10.30-11.10 Getting Started as a Professional Photographer
11.30-12.10 Pitching, Presenting & Marketing in Photography 
12.30-13.10 Quickfire Talks 

13.10-14.00 Lunchtime Networking 

14.00-14.40 Quickfire talks
15.00-15.40 Give Your Photo Business the Edge - Growth and New Business Models
16.00-16.30 Collaborations 


You are welcome to come to any of our sessions throughout the day. If you have a ticket for The Photography Show, it's free to come to the Redeye events, however please register your interest here.


Full timetable details:

10:30 - 11:10 Getting started as a professional photographer

Are you thinking about, or have you recently started up as a professional? At the beginning of your professional career, there’s lots to think about and it’s easy to put a foot wrong, or forget about something crucial. It’s not just about making great work; your business, marketing and networking are just as important. This event covers all the areas you need to think about when starting up a professional photographer, including:
- An overview of the market - where’s the work?
- Building contacts and networks
- Looking for and choosing the best opportunities
- First steps in marketing
- Maintaining relationships with key people
- Managing your time - balancing your creative work, building the business, and your
other activities.

11:30 - 12:10 Pitching, presenting & marketing in photography

We all know how important pitching and marketing are for photographers but we don’t always follow through. Part of the difficulty for freelancers is building the confidence to talk about their own work - only then can we start to navigate the plethora of possibilities around marketing and presentations. This talk includes:
- Testing your work and building confidence
- Pitching and presenting
- Your portfolio and other presentation tools
- Developing a marketing plan
- Identifying your audience
- Create and develop a personal brand
- Build your online presence
- Social media, SEO and online tools
- Use your mailing list

12:30 - 13:10 Quickfire talks set 1

Redeye is really keen to encourage talks by photographers as a way of showing new work, and we put on around 30 to 40 talks about new projects per year. We’ve selected a range of the best of those from recent months, a series of four quick, ten minute presentations - a chance to sit back and look at some great new photography.
Colin Tennant
Corinne Perry
Adam Lee
Anna Lilleengan




14:00 - 14:40 Quickfire talks set 2

Another set of short talks with the best of new photography.
Anna Bean
James Parker
Dave Allen
Shiam Wilcox

15:00 - 15:40 Giving your photo business the edge - growth and new business models

What do you want from your photographic business? Are you happy to coast along, or would you like to generate more income, build your quality and reputation, or both? This session explores the fundamentals of building your business, and looks at the ever-widening range of successful new business models and types in photography.
 - Lifestyle and growth businesses
 - Working on and in the business
 - The essentials of professionalism
 - Seeking and keeping new clients
 - Make work that stands out
 - Evaluating and improving
 - Innovative new businesses in photography

16:00 - 16:30 Collaborations

Photography can seem like a solitary activity but collaborations and partnerships can give your work and business a real boost, in quality, drive, reach and visibility. This session explores:
- Why collaborate? The advantage of good collaborations
- Case studies - the range of possibilities
- Who to work with and why?
- How to get started
- Advice and tips for making collaborations work


Redeye, Chittenden Horley, Hyde Park House Business Centre, Cartwright Street, Hyde, SK14 4EH, UK
© 2010–2025 Redeye The Photography Network